Monday, June 29, 2009

Recommended: virtualBox!

No more VMWare or other commercial, hefty virtual machines. Use Sun's FOSS VirtualBox. It's light, streamlined and it works! The configurations I have tested are XP-host, Ubuntu-8.04-guest Mandriva-2009.1-host, Ubuntu-8.04-guest. The latter because the cisco-vpnclient for linux always hangs my dual-core pentium machine (known issue), even on disabling one processor. It ran just fine on the virtual machine.

I haven't got around to testing an XP-guest, but my next configuration will be Mandriva-host, XP-guest. It might not be as clean because of a greater kernel-replace for a Windows-guest but it's too early to say. I'm simply loving VirtualBox so far. It's worth the... effort?

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